Brankica Stević
Honorarac još uvek nije ocenjen
Oglasi Honorarca
O honorarcu
Dobrodošli! Držim časove klavira, harmonike i solfeđa. Pomažem učenicima niže muzičke škole pri vežbanju, kao i učenicima osnovnih škola u usvajanju gradiva predmeta Muzička kultura. Odlična sam u komunikaciji sa decom. Dolazim kod vas. Beograd. Profesorka sa iskustvom. "Učite decu lepoti muzike, a ona će ih učiti lepoti života" Dr. Hose Antonio Abreu Welcome! I teach piano and solfeggio lessons. I help the students of the primary music school with practice, as well as the students of elementary schools in learning the material of the Music Culture course. I am excellent at communicating with children. I'm coming to your place Belgrade. Professor with experience. "Teach children the beauty of music, and the music will teach them the beauty of life" Dr. Jose Antonio Abreu
Korisnik od:
1. maj 2023.
Honorarac trenutno nema ocena.

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